| 107 | | 14-18 July 2025 | Cologne, Germany | DLR | Marcin Gnat | | | Registration | | 106 | | 29 May 2025 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | | | | | 105 | | 27 March 2025 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | | | | | 104 | | 30 January 2025 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | | | | | 103 | | 21 November 2024 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | | IOAG-26k Documents | | | 102 | | 26 September 204 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | | | | | 101 | | 25 July 2024 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | | | | | 100 | | 29 May 2024 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | | | | | 99 | | 28 March, 2024 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 97 | | 25 January, 2024 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Angela Peura | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 96 | | 30 November, 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 95 | | 28 November, 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 94 | | 16 November 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 93 | | 27 October 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 92 | | 12 September 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 91 | | 23 June 2023 | London, UK | UKSA | Matt Cosby | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 90 | | 13 June 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 89 | | 22 May 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 88 | | 26 April, 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 87 | | 14 March 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Teleconference | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 85 | | 10 January 2023 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 84 | | 8 November, 2022 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 83 | | 13 September 2022 | Teleconference | Teleconference | Barbara Adde | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 82 | | 23-25 May 2022 | Darmstadt, Germany | ESA | Pier Bargellini | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 80 | | 15 February, 2022 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 79 | | 9 December, 2021 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 78 | | 24 September, 2021 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 77 | | 19, May 2021 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 76 | | 17, February 2021 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 75 | | 24, November 2020 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 74 | | 14-16, September 2020 | Virtual | Virtual | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 73 | | TBD | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 72 | | 23 June, 2020 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 71 | | 10 March, 2020 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 70 | | 10 December, 2019 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 62 | | 16-19 September, 2019 | Cornwall, England | UKSA | Matthew Cosby | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 69 | | 1 August, 2019 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 68 | | 5 June, 2019 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 65 | | 10 April, 2019 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 64 | | 31 January, 2019 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 63 | | 20 December, 2018 | Munich, Germany | DLR | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 61 | | 8 November, 2018 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 60 | | 9 October, 2018 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 59 | | 12 September, 2018 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 57 | | 25-28 June 2018 | Ohio Aerospace Institute | NASA | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 56 | | 7 March, 2018 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 55 | | 23 January, 2018 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 1 | | 13-16 November, 2017 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 58 | | 6 September, 2017 | Teleconference | Teleconference | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 2 | | July TBD | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 3 | | 16-17 May 2017 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 4 | | 8 February, 2017 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 5 | | 22 November, 2016 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 6 | | 21 November, 2016 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 7 | | 26-30 September 2016 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 8 | | 16 May, 2016 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 9 | | 18 April, 2016 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 10 | | 4 February 2016 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 11 | | 10 December 2015 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 12 | | 11 September 2015 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 13 | | 11-13 May, 2015 | Daejeon, South Korea | KARI | Dr. Sangil Ahn | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 14 | | 25 February, 2015 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 15 | | 9 December, 2014 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 16 | | 16 Sept, 2014 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 17 | | 6 May, 2014 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 18 | | 10-14 February 2014 | Rome, Italy | ASI | Fabio D'Amico | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 19 | | 19 November 2013 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 20 | | 17 September 2013 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 21 | | 9 July, 2013 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 22 | | 4 June, 2013 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 23 | | 13-16 May, 2013 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 24 | | 5 March, 2013 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 25 | | 12-14 December, 2012 | Kennedy Space Center Cape Canaveral, Florida | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 26 | | 20 November, 2012 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 27 | | 21 September, 2012 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 28 | | 12 June, 2012 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 29 | | 28 February, 2012 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 30 | | 6-8 December, 2011 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 31 | | 25 October, 2011 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 32 | | 20 September, 2011 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 33 | | 17 June, 2011 | | | | Actions | Documents | | | 34 | | 29 March, 2011 | | | | Actions | Documents | | | 35 | | 1-5 November, 2010 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 36 | | 26 April, 2010 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 37 | | 22-24 September, 2009 | | | | Actions | Documents | Registration | | 38 | | 13 May, 2009 | | | | Actions | Documents | | | 39 | | 9-11 September, 2008 | Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DLR) | | Actions | Documents | | | 40 | | 18-20 June, 2007 | Cebreros, Avila Province, Spain | | | Actions | Documents | | | 41 | | 10-12 October, 2006 | Pasadena, California, USA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | | Actions | Documents | | | 42 | | 25 October, 2005 | | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | | Actions | Documents | | | 43 | | 20-22 July, 2005 | ASI Headquarters, Rome, Italy | Agenzia Spatiale Italiana (ASI) | | Actions | Documents | | | 44 | | 6-9 December, 2004 | 18, Avenue Edouard Belin 31401 Toulouse Cedex 4 France | Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) CST/EO/D | | Actions | Documents | | | 45 | | 9-10 June, 2004 | Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC) Tsukuba Science City, Japan | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | | Actions | Documents | | | 46 | | 20-21 May, 2003 | Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Greenbelt, Maryland USA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | | Actions | Documents | | | 47 | | 4-5 December, 2001 | European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) Darmstadt, Germany | European Space Agency (ESA) | | Actions | Documents | | | 48 | | 10-11 May, 2001 | CNES' Toulouse Space Center Toulouse, France | Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) | | | Documents | | | 49 | | 4-5 October, 2000 | German Aerospace Center DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany | Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | | | Documents | | | 50 | | 9-10 February, 2000 | NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Pasadena, California, USA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | | | Documents | | | 67 | | | | | | Actions | | |